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What to Do if You Freeze Up During a Presentation

Why Practise I Freeze Upward When I Speak in Front of People?

I used to experience like I had no problem talking in front of people, even large groups of people. That's less so as I get older, though. Is there something incorrect with me? It seems to me like it should get easier as yous get older. I have to give presentations and pitches equally function of my job, and in the last couple of years I have been getting much more than nervous, to the signal I sometimes get ill beforehand. I have even pretended to be ill in order to not work on a day of a presentation, then that others had to give it in my identify. I experience like it'south putting my chore at risk. There have been a couple of times when I have stood up, thought I was starting to speak, but no words actually came out of my mouth. I couldn't talk. I just froze. I had to ask to step out for a minute. Somewhen I powered through those times, but what the heck? Why would this exist happening more as I get older? I am 37. In college I was a teacher's assistant and had no problem giving lectures in front of 150 people. Am I developing a medical trouble? Please offer some possible explanations, not but suggest I go to therapy. Thank you! —Speechless
Dear Speechless,

Whenever a trouble develops where no trouble existed before, my first question is always: what is unlike now? You mention that you lot previously gave lectures to 150 people as a teacher'southward banana without the anxiety (or, perchance more to the bespeak, functioning anxiety) you are currently dealing with in your professional life. What feels unlike to y'all about the 2 experiences? I wonder if the stakes seem higher now, the content more than complex, or the audience more inquisitive or demanding. It seems reasonable that whatsoever of these possibilities, or something else along these lines, could create and/or intensify anxiety around public speaking.

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If you can figure out what has adult to cause the problem, perhaps you can figure out some strategies for addressing information technology. For example, if upon reflecting on the differences between your experience as a TA and equally a professional y'all observe that the content is more complex and the audition more inquisitive, it might be helpful to take some trainings or courses to deepen your knowledge of the content area. This might increment your confidence in your power to answer questions every bit they come upwards. Possibly reflection volition lead you to find that your anxiety is less about content and more nigh manner. Perhaps you have realized that the level of polish expected of professionals, as opposed to pupil TAs, is quite different and you lot don't feel similar you measure up. If this is the example, participating in a group like Toastmasters might exist helpful in mastering and developing confidence in your public speaking skills.

Sometimes, unexplained anxiety that seems to come upward out of the blue can be a way of getting your attention and forcing you lot to address dissatisfaction with an area of your life that you are non fully aware of.

You also raise the possibility that there is a medical problem that has developed and is to blame for this. The only way to rule that out for sure is to schedule an appointment with your md for an examination and discussion about this, and I recommend that you do that sooner rather than later. I am not a physician, so equally much every bit I hear your desire for explanations, information technology would not exist appropriate for me to speculate as to potential medical bug you lot might exist experiencing.

Information technology is too possible that the trouble is neither medical nor a reflection of simple insecurities most speaking in public. How do you feel about your career and where you are professionally? Sometimes, unexplained anxiety that seems to come up upwardly out of the blue can be a way of getting your attending and forcing you to address dissatisfaction with an expanse of your life that you are not fully aware of. If the above recommendations don't yield any solutions and you land on a vague dissatisfaction with your career, what might be helpful is partnering with a career counselor to explore where you lot are, where y'all want to exist, and developing a realistic program for how to get there.

All-time wishes,


Sarah Noel, MS, LMHC is a licensed psychotherapist living and working in Brooklyn, New York. She specializes in working with people who are struggling through depression, anxiety, trauma, and major life transitions. She approaches her work from a person-centered perspective, always acknowledging the people she works with every bit experts on themselves. She is honored and humbled on a daily basis to be able to partner with people at such critical points in their unique journeys.

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