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How to Make Cheese in Farm Frenzy 2

Here is the link that i used and helped me out heaps. Following this guide will net you all the gold medals...

good luck :)

Credit goes to the original author

Edit: Level 58 Sour Cream 2 doesnt mention that to make the cheese you need to send the plane to get the cream bottle, its the only way to make cheese...

daktoorhaha i was just about to post the same link... Im using the solutions here and can confirm its very very helpful!

Posted by daktoor on 26 Nov 11 at 08:20

St Tony22Quick question: How do you sell an animal as stated in the guide?

Posted by St Tony22 on 28 Nov 11 at 04:24

ADaughen@St Tony22,

Click on the truck, there are two tabs, Goods and Animals.

Posted by ADaughen on 28 Nov 11 at 04:53

StephenMcGNot all the guides work but good starting place.

Posted by StephenMcG on 01 Dec 11 at 13:19

StephenMcGLooking at it again, might not be that wrong, but some levels have the same name as others, e.g. seems to be two Cake Street 6s.

Posted by StephenMcG on 12 Jan 12 at 14:01

Knockout MooseThere are 2 cake street 6s in the game. There's a few levels with the same name, bizarrely

LeiChatThanks to vianovaus for an amazing guide.

Posted by LeiChat on 17 Jan 12 at 16:38

tractakidI don't know whether to laugh or cry at the spelling "Walktrough"...

Posted by tractakid on 07 Mar 12 at 19:45

TardiiIs anyone else having a problem with touching the "upgrade" icon accidentally? It really pisses me off when I'm trying to conserve my money only to waste a bunch of it when I go to refill my water and accidentally upgrade it. Anyway around this?

Posted by Tardii on 14 Mar 12 at 06:48

liner bronson^ I'm having exactly this issue. It's driving me mad!

MakkerLevel 27 Cake Street 1 Clarification
Buy the chicken and put down 5 grass. Sell the bears 1 at a time. When you send the egg into building to get the powder, send the plane for the flour. Don't collect any more eggs as you want to keep your warehouse clear. Process the powder to make the cake base and then the cake base with the flour to make a cake. As soon as you can afford the cow buy it. Keep the truck at the farm and make sure you have enough warehouse space for the milk. When you get the milk sell the cow and the milk which gives enough money for the Meat Processor and a pig. Wait for the meat and send it in. I collected the processed meat with about 3 seconds to spare.

Posted by Makker on 16 Jun 12 at 09:55

HiradCunfortunately I'm giving up on this and the game now, after it has reset for the third time. first two times when I was up to later levels making dresses and this time I had completed it, got the ach for every level and only had to mop up 4 or 5 golds for completion :( sucks cos I really like this game.maybe in a few months I'll try again

Posted by HiradC on 30 May 13 at 18:08

HiradCthat upgrade issue never bothered me as you have to confirm upgrades don't you?

Posted by HiradC on 30 May 13 at 18:09

I am SNAKE EY3Sguide is a lot of help, thanks for the link

Bianca2189j'ai un probleme avec le niveau 57 , je n'arrive pas as completer le niveau j'ai besoin d'aide c'est le seul qui me reste pour avoir mon succes , aider moi ---------------

Niveau 57: produit Street 7 Conditions: Aucun Objectif: 1 gâteau, 1 viande emballée Or: Argent 02:30: 04:00 Dès que les terres de la voiture, cliquez dessus et vendre 4 poules. ours Trap - mettre l'ours noir dans l'entrepôt. Attendez dernier poulet à jeter œuf (qui va se passer juste le retour de la voiture) - une fois posé envoyer l'ours noir et le poulet à la ville. Mets entrepôt. Piège 2 autres ours noirs (il y aura seulement 1 heure actuelle - 1 plus apparaîtra à droite avant le retour de voiture) - Ils doivent être des ours noirs ou vous serez à court d'argent. Le second vous en êtes capable, envoyez les 2 ours en ville. Alors ils vont en ville, traiter votre œuf en poudre puis dans un gâteau (vous n'allez pas être mise à niveau vers une pâtisserie encore - si vous faites cela, vous serez à court d'argent) Vous aurez besoin d'envoyer un autre ensemble de noir ours (encore une fois - ils doivent être noirs) à la ville. La deuxième voiture qui récupère acheter votre cochon (vous aurez exactement 1000). Envoyer 1 ou 2 ours en ville (ce que vous avez et le type n'a pas d'importance). Dès que le cochon donne le jambon, commencer à traiter en tranches (vous devez être rapide sur ce!). Lorsque la voiture revient de la ville d'utiliser l'avion pour acheter les 2 pièces dont vous avez besoin (bac à glaçons et la farine). Pendant ce temps assurez-vous que la viande va rapidement à travers les maisons. Dès que l'avion descend marchandises off, cliquez eux (ne pas attendre pour eux de la terre) et cliquez immédiatement sur ??le magasin approprié. Le côté de l'œuf se terminera avant le côté de la viande (d'environ 2 secondes) pour planer au-dessus de ce côté en premier. Si vous avez accidentellement un ours non-noire dans votre entrepôt avant d'acheter le cochon, tout simplement recommencer le niveau (et redémarrer si vous perdez votre poulet aux ours trop). Meilleur temps: 02:22

Posted by Bianca2189 on 06 Aug 13 at 00:34

CAMOKIERENim having so much trouble with Product Street 7 the last one i need to gold

Posted by CAMOKIEREN on 18 Dec 13 at 12:42

How to Make Cheese in Farm Frenzy 2
