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Fine Again Music Video With the Guy Running Around Empty Streets

Hey!  You lot know that identify in your brain you employ to store precious memories of your babyhood?  Well clear it out!  I need  yous to make room for this awesome/ horrible movie I'm going to tell you nigh!  Is your brain skilful and empty and set up to receive this important information?  Endeavour switching to hard liquor- it helps!  We should all get good and drunkard because if the actors in this moving picture couldn't exist bothered to stay sober than why should we?

Saturday'south Scary Movie is The Driller Killer!

The Driller Killer is what happens when the guy who made The Bad Lieutenant tries to make a Taxi Driver knock-off, just with more power tools.   It's about an creative person, his divorced girlfriend, and their junkie lover who live together in a terrible flat in New York City.  Everything is already awful, but then a loud punk band movies in downstairs.  At some point the artist starts killing hobos with a drill.

Abel Ferrara directed and starred in this picture show in 1979.  It was banned in the Great britain (a cut version was finally available in 1999) were information technology was labeled as part of an obscene form of films referred to as "Video Nasties".  These films were typically low-budget horror films that were deemed too violent and had to be censored or banned completely. The Driller Killer is not as well violent, unless past that they mean violently stupid, and I agree that it should not be seen by impressionable youth.   Then let's watch information technology!

The movie opens similar this.

Evidently the motion-picture show wants you lot to plough your volume upwards so you lot can hear the church building bells louder.  Rock-on.

Nosotros see the main character, Reno, enter a cosmic church with organ music clarion, walking slowly towards the front end as the ominous ruby-red lighting from Jesus silhouettes his sweet seventy's mullet.  He sits adjacent to an old bearded man who'due south mumbling about "sin" or something.

Reno moves to touch the sometime human'due south hand, but the old man slaps his hand downwardly on Reno first and looks at him.  The music makes information technology sound similar something scary happened and he runs out of the church, dragging his girlfriend Carol out with him.

"I don't understand!  He had your proper name, and your number!" says the nun in the dorsum, even though they've already left so there was no one to say that to.

Mayhap she'south talking to God?

In the cab, Carol tries to enquire Reno what just happened.

"Who knows!  Some fucking degenerate-bum-wino.   I don't know."

"What did he exercise to yous to brand y'all deed so crazy?" asks Carol.

"What he do?  Fucking guy grabbed my manus!" yells Reno.  "Touched my hand," he mumbles, in instance she missed that indicate the first time.

Ballad says the nun told her that the sometime man was some sort of relative to Reno.  Reno says he'due south just some sort of degenerate-bum-wino once more.  Another, different bum comes up to the cab during this conversation and starts talking gibberish and cleaning the cab window.    I should tell you now, this movie has a ridiculous obsession with disparaging the homeless.  Stay classy, Driller Killer.

Cue poorly recorded punk music.  Reno and Ballad make out in the back of the cab.  The cab stops at a guild and Carol goes in.  In the dimly lit nightclub (aka interior shots filmed in CBGBs), Carol finds Pamela.  Pamela looks like she has just discovered hair crimpers, and maybe Quaaludes based on her zoned-out expression.  SPOILER ALERT: Pamela e'er looks loftier, and I retrieve she is high in every scene because there is no way she's that good of an actress.  They leave.

The next morning, Reno wakes upwards to the sound of drilling.  He sees Pamela standing in the living room wearing a stained shirt tucked into her granny panties, drilling holes in the bathroom door.  He takes the drill from her and they spend over a full minute of screen time debating where to put a hole in the door.  Information technology'southward . . . strange.  The scene ends on an extreme close upwards of the drill going into the door.  FORESHADOWING!

Later in the kitchen, Carol reads horrific stories from the newspaper to Reno while Pamela stares into space.  Reno finds the telephone bill and is enraged past how loftier it is, and questions the girls.  They admit they've been on the telephone a lot, especially Carol who'due south been talking for hours to someone in Los Angeles.  Ballad says that if they don't pay the bill the telephone company is going to turn off their service.  Reno picks upwards his giant bluish rotary phone and throws it out the window.  Take THAT, Phone Company!

Meanwhile, downwards on the street, hobos are out hobo-ing while goofy tuba music plays.  Reno watches them while smoking a cigarette.  Ane guys vomits on himself in his slumber.  Charming.

Dorsum in the apartment,  Carol has gotten undressed once more and is back in bed.  Reno and Pamela sit on the floor.  They accept a conversation that sounds like the kind of thing you and your friends say when you get absurdly wasted and showtime talking virtually the not bad things you'll exercise when you get rich.

"We sell this buffalo, everything is going to change," says Reno, referring to his ridiculous giant Buffalo Painting with weird neon scratches.  "We'll have enough money to do what nosotros want, when we desire to.  We'll exist able to get annihilation nosotros need."

"The starting time thing I'grand going to go is snake skin boots," mumbles Pamela in her weird infant voice.

"Aw yeah man, we're gonna get lots of clothes.  We'll go a gunkhole.  Buy ourselves some motorcycles, and we go away. Get to Jamaica.  Morocco.  Go to Nepal.  Wherever we are we're going to go out every nighttime," says Reno, and the screen focuses in on the Buffalo Painting, which looks like it'south kind of grin coyly at the camera.

Look at that goofy matter just grinning away.

That night Reno has a dream sequence.   Laughing! Buffalos!  Newspapers!  Former Man from the church!  Some guy talking and belongings a lighter!  Other terrible paintings by Reno!  A voice over by Carol saying the Old Homo was Reno's father! Eyes!  POWER DRILL!

The next day, Dalton the Gay Gallery Owner is on the telephone with his boy toy when Reno shows up.  Dalton is upset that the Buffalo Painting "masterpiece" isn't ready nonetheless.  Reno says he needs some other week and an extra $500.  Dalton says he already gave him $200 two weeks ago for his girlfriend'southward abortion and another $150 for actress materials (I'm hoping the materials were for painting and not the other matter).  Reno says he really needs it for his landlord.  Dalton tells him no.

Back at the flat, Carol is writing a bank check for Al the Landlord. He tells her that next week they will be 2 months behind in rent.  She assures him that when they sell the Buffalo Painting they'll be able to pay up.  Al feeds cucumbers to his pet rabbit and tells her that if they don't pay him they'll be on the street.

Up on the roof, Reno watches people through a pair of binoculars.  He sees  human become stabbed  the dorsum.  End scene.

Now The Roosters evidence upwardly.  The Roosters are the obnoxious punk band from the nightclub.  They're kind of similar The New York Dolls, but they don't exercise full drag.  Pamela stumbles out of their motorcar and starts moaning and pulling at her hair.  The band and their groupies go within and Pamela asks Al if they can hire a space for a month to rehearse.  Everybody talks over each other in annoying New York accents.  Tony Coca-Cola, the pb vocalizer, says they'll take it.

Up in the flat, Reno is still working on the Buffalo Painting.  Ballad tells Reno the painting is done and he should just sell information technology. Reno does non like her stance.

"What practice you know about painting?" he yells.  "I'll tell y'all what you lot know about painting, man!  Yous don't know cypher about painting, human!  You know what you know about?  You know how to bitch and how to eat and how to bitch and how to shit and how to bowwow!  But y'all don't know nothing about painting!"

Pictured: REAL art

He also says he doesn't intendance about money and doesn't want to hear it anymore.  He tears upwardly a dollar bill while Carol continues to stare at him silently.  He says he doesn't intendance, man, that she's been paying all the bills.  He basically has a atmosphere tantrum because she tells him to end upwards the pre-painted painting.

Later, Ballad and Pamela are watching a violent movie on TV.  Pamela wants to go out, but Ballad tells them they don't accept any money.  Pamela struggles to pronounce 'alimony' and Carol tells her she already spent it on the rent.

"We don't have whatsoever drugs, we don't accept any money, we don't take any dope. I Tin'T Have IT ANYMORE!" screams Pamela, her face up nevertheless kind of blank.

"Why don't you call back i of your friends and become out?" asks Carol, annoyed.

Pamela's dopey face looks sad.  "Because I don't accept any friends," she slurs.

Downstairs, The Roosters are setting up their rehearsal space.  The adjacent twenty-four hours they are practicing while skanks dance around them unenthusiastically.

Upstairs they can hear them in the apartment.

"They really sound proficient on their album," comments Carol

"Album? These guys have an album?  Are you kidding?" asks Reno.  "If they always sign an album, I'd quit painting in protestation."

Reno goes outside for some "peace of listen" just OH No!  There's a bunch of homeless people out in that location!  They're drinking to goofy tuba music.  Reno sketches a bum while a agglomeration of hobos share a bottle.

That night all three are watching Idiot box.  Pamela asks Reno to change the channel. She appears to be as indecisive about channels as she is about drilling holes in doors.  They decide to sentry a commercial about the movie's second and seriously more hilarious Chekhov'south gun: The Porto-Pak.

The Porto-Pak is a wearable belt you employ to plug in your electrical devices.  A sexy, skeletal adult female models it by blow drying her hair in her underwear.  Reno is mesmerized.  Porto-Pak!  That's only  $nineteen.95!  Because batteries don't exist yet, plainly!

Downstairs, The Roosters are rehearsing again.  They've recruited two blond tricks to sing fill-in for their punk rock archetype, "Oop, Shadoobie".  Tony Coca-Cola is having trouble explaining what he wants.

"Take information technology from the peak!  The 'Oop' is a punch!  The 'Oop' is a punch!  " he yells into the microphone.

Reno is upstairs nevertheless "painting" the Buffalo Painting.   He complains about hearing more voices.  Suddenly, he has a vision of himself screaming and covered in blood.

That night, Reno goes walking around the metropolis.  He gets in some bum's face and asks him why he's sleeping outside and not at home with his "old lady".  He tries to become the guy to talk to him and tell him his story.  He pulls him upward and starts shaking him.  A bunch of kids run by with baseball bats chasing someone through the streets.  Reno looses involvement in his hobo-friend.

Meanwhile back with The Roosters, a terrible dwelling house-made music video is happening for 'Oop Shadoobie".  I'one thousand not going to lie, for No Wave way late lxx's punk it'south pretty adept music.

Back at the apartment- BOOBS!  Ballad and Pamela are making out in the shower.  I guess, they're suppose to be having a gratuitous lesbian sex scene, but mostly it just looks like they're washing each other's nipples.  The Buffalo watches Reno take an aspirin and an Alka-Seltzer.  The Buffalo ever has kind of a derpy looking smile, then information technology's not very intimidating.

Hey Guys!

Tony Coca-Cola'southward abrasive Girlfriend with the Fran Drescher vocalization confronts him in the bathroom while he brushes his teeth.  She doesn't like the fill-in singers.  She bitches about how she and the other girls don't similar them and don't recall they fit in the band.  Tony ignores her.

Carol receives a handwritten letter from her ex-hubby Stephen containing a photo of them from happier times.  He also sends her a $100 to commemorate the v twelvemonth anniversary of the first time they met. Carol looks thoughtful as sappy music plays.

Reno wakes upwardly from his nap on the table when The Roosters beginning screaming into their microphones again.  Some other clandestine music video is happening.

Reno goes to mutter to Al about the noise.  Al says that's Reno's trouble.  Reno threatens to not pay the rent if he doesn't kick the band out.

"What exercise you mean you won't pay the rent?  You don't pay the hire anyway!  That'due south why you lot bother me all the time, and they don't!" laughs Al.

Reno doesn't think information technology's funny.  Al takes Reno back to a cabinet and opens information technology.  Within information technology's Al'south pet rabbit.  Information technology's been killed, skinned, and hung upside in the cabinet.

"It's a present!" exclaims Al.  "For you and your girlfriend!"

Reno takes information technology upstairs and starts gutting it by candle lite.  Then he gently caresses the mutilated rabbit carcass with his knife.  And then he starts stabbing it up.  I'm sure there's suppose to exist a lot of symbolism to the scene, something about innocence and violence and all that, but mostly it'southward simply indulgent and strange.  So let'due south non talk about it.

Reno is now at the hardware start looking at drill bits.  The Porto-Pak is in the front end window.  Ominous music plays and he goes inside.

It'due south nighttime now and Reno is up on a ladder still painting.  An ugly painting of a lady calls his proper name.  Some parrots in a painting say his proper name.  Then a blond lady painting.  Reno gets downward from the ladder and frantically looks around his apartment.  The music gets ominous again.  All of his ugly painting start to say his name and sway about.  He sees Carol facing abroad from him.  When she turns around she has no eyes.  Voices are yelling Reno's name.  The Buffalo looks derisive and stupid but information technology's supposed to be scary.  Reno sees himself over again screaming and covered in blood.

Reno is outside again trying to wake upwards a bum.  He holds a power drill behind his dorsum which he starts buzzing threateningly.  The bum can't be worried and goes dorsum to slumber.  Reno keeps begging him to come on, homo.  Finally, the bum wakes up.  Reno pushes his drill into the bum's breast and blood squirts out while the bum screams in pain.  Reno straddles the bum and continues to drill into his belly while riding him similar a rocking horse.  In that location is a huge puddle of blood.  Reno finally pulls his drill out and gets off of the now expressionless bum.

Pamela is out in the stairwell of the edifice throwing away trash.  She opens the trash can and sees the ripped up flesh from the dead rabbit. She has a conniption and runs dorsum inside the apartment.  Downstairs The Roosters are still recording.

I don't know if this is supposed to be the same night or the side by side day, only we run into Reno standing in the living room staring at the Buffalo Painting while Carol puts on makeup.  They're all going out together to the nightclub to see The Roosters perform.  Carol tells him to finish lament because he'll like the show when he sees information technology.  Reno points out that he's more than aware of what The Roosters audio like live because they've been playing non-stop all week in their edifice.  Reno stares deeply into the Buffalo's stupid eyes.

Pamela is in the sleeping room checking out her donkey in the mirror.  Carol has to help her get dressed because apparently Pamela'south brain is so fried she  has impaired motor skills.

"Tony'due south so groovy the  fashion he dresses up in women's apparel," babbles Pamela while Carol helps her with her bra.  "He has amend things than we accept, like silky nightgowns,  leather garter belts . . . he makes himself up and so beautifully.  I mean you just don't run into people like that anymore.  Anywhere."

Back in the living room, Reno pulls a knife on the Buffalo Painting considering it'due south looking at him.  He threatens to cut his eye out, man.  The Buffalo Paining is however looking at him.  Reno goes upwards to it and strokes information technology apologetically.

"Aw," coos Reno to the Buffalo, every bit he gives it a kiss.  "I won't hurt you!  I won't hurt you!  I dearest yous!  I beloved y'all!  I love you!   I won't injure you lot!  I love yous!" he whispers to information technology.  Then he screams at information technology.

Cut to the nightclub.  The Roosters are rocking and everybody is dancing under red and blue lights.  Pamela is in the bathroom picking out her crimped glam-mullet that kind of resembles David Bowie'southward Goblin King wig.  Information technology's a good look, is what I'm proverb.

The Annoying Girlfriend asks Pamela to explain who is doing who in her apartment .  Pamela tells her its none of her business.  Annoying Girlfriend says her business organisation is Tony Coca-Cola and she'south okay with Pamela hanging out with the band but she needs to back off of Tony and threatens to vanquish her upward.  Abrasive Girlfriend has serious potty mouth, and she'due south probably then boney considering all she consumes is chimera mucilage and other people's happiness.  And cocaine.

Pamela and Reno play pinball and she asks him how much he's going to get for the painting.  He says it depends on how much Dalton likes information technology.

"You mean information technology depends on how much Dalton likes y'all," murmurs Pamela

"Yeah, probably," says Reno absently, still playing.

"You should let him stick it upwards your ass once," she says, unsolicited.  "Employ KY Jelly, it won't hurt."  Reno loses the game.

Then we have the most confusing, and kind of unsettling scene in the whole motion picture.  In the muddy backstage at the nightclub, the ring and their groupies are all drunk or high or both.  The girls are doing each other's makeup and talking all over each other.  Ritchy the bassists is chugging from a bottle and getting dressed in his puffy white shirt.  Tony Coca-Cola is wearing sunglasses and red lipstick and is standing silently confronting a wall.  The camera move all over the place as the girls and the band fight over shirts and Tony Coca-Cola starts talking in a high pitched voice to no one in particular.  The camera is spinning and everything is happening at one time.  Tony Coca-Cola starts screaming and and then just starts making weird noises, withal continuing against the wall.

"EVERYBODY OUT! ABLABLAHBLAHBLAHDUDUDUDUDBUBUBUBUB!" yells Tony Coca-Cola and the girls exit.  The ring sits together as Tony Coca-Cola continues to speak gibberish and shake his head.  It'due south all very bizarre and unnecessary and is exactly what it looks similar backstage at concerts when everybody is way too messed up.

Back on phase, The Roosters play their second set up.  Reno is hiding somewhere in the back of the club.  He tells Carol the music is too loud.  Ballad reminds him that he use to like loud music and bars.  She wants to know what's happened to him.  She tries to make out with his neck.  Everybody else is dancing and having a good fourth dimension, even Pamela and Abrasive Girlfriend.  Carol rejoins the crowd and Reno leaves.

Reno runs up to some guy on the street and knocks him out.  He brandishes his drill and bores information technology through the guys head.  He takes the subway back to Union Foursquare.  I judge he had his drill on him the whole time?  Where was he hiding it?  Never mind.

A hobo drinking from a newspaper bag recognizes Reno and asks how he's doing.

"Hey, what have yous got in your paw, mister?" asks the hobo.

The drill buzzes into shot.

"A drill!" he exclaims in delight.  "Say, what are you, a Fix-It Human?"

He tells Reno that's a wonderful career choice.  He offers him a swig from his bottle, and Reno threatens him once again with the drill.  The hobo tries to requite him relationship advice and Reno drills into his tummy.

At the coach stop, a couple of guys are waiting.  One crazy guy is shouting and laughing to himself and marching effectually, generally beingness a nuisance.  He calls the elderly admirer 'Dad', much to his badgerer.   The two men become on the bus and exit the crazy guy there.

"Driver, take good care of my father!" says the crazy human being.

Reno lurks behind the double-decker stop, drill held loftier.  He drills the crazy guy in the back through the Plexiglas housing of the coach stop.

He drills another bum laying next to a department shop and runs off.  He comes upwards on two bums hanging by a trash tin can and drills one immediately.  The other ane tries to fight back and Reno corners him behind a column.  The other guy runs for his life downward the street and Reno follows in hot pursuit.

Then Reno finds a man sleeping on a pile of trash.  He wakes him up past drilling into his skull  The man screams, blood pouring in his optics.  Reno kisses him on the forehead and leaves.

Subsequently his drilling spree, Reno goes habitation and eats a leftover hamburger in front end of the fridge.  There is a knock at the door.  Tony Coca-Cola arrives, looking for Pamela.  She'southward non there.

Tony wonders around the flat admiring Reno's paintings.

" This is a whacked out thing, human," says Tony Coca-Cola.  "Y'all ever become into rock and roll head trips, baby? Posters? Portraits? I mean… how practice you do this, human being? How's is this done, brother?"

He's trying to tell Reno he wants Reno to paint a portrait of him.  Reno tells him it will cost him $500, the coin he needs for the rent.  Tony says that'due south fine just he needs it correct away.

The next solar day, Carol is reading more horrific stories out loud to Reno from the newspaper.  This fourth dimension it's about the drilling killings.  Reno stops painting and turns to stare in fearfulness of the drill in the closet. He has wink backs of the murders and sees himself again screaming and covered in claret.

Reno freaks out on Carol and rips the newspaper out of her hands, screaming "What you trying to do to me?!"  Carol is confused and terrified.

A little later they all sit on the floor and consume a pizza that Pamela brought.

"So, while I was in the parlor, this creepy old guy came up to me and said, 'Sweetie, you don't have to osculation to brand babies,'" she tells them.  "So, I waited until information technology was almost time to exit and I walked up to him and said, 'I know, but you still gotta fuck!'"

Makes y'all retrieve . . .

They eat their pizza in silence.  Reno is a pizza hog and eats half the slices like a dick.  Pamela tries to pause the silence by telling them she has tickets for them to run into Iggy Pop and Dee Dee Ramone, because it'south 1979.

"Pammy, you want a bite with some peppers on it?" asks Reno with his mouthful.

"No," says Pamela

"Ask her," says Reno, not fifty-fifty looking at Carol.  "Peradventure she wants a seize with teeth."

Carol throws her piece at Reno's face and storms off, saying she hates him.  She goes down to the payphone on the street and calls her ex-husband, Stephen.

Dorsum in the bedroom, Carol finds a childishly drawn painting by Reno that says 'I'm Sorry!'

That dark Reno is in the living room painting the portrait for Tony Coca-Cola.  Tony says he's scared of Reno because he doesn't talk.

Outside, a hobo crawls out of his cardboard box.  Within, Tony Coca-Cola is at present playing guitar while Reno furiously smears red paint on his canvas.  Tony starts singing.  So he starts reading quotes from the bible in a brassy voice.  Reno's sail is completely crimson.  The hobo outside is drinking.  Pamela shows upward and starts dancing with Tony Coca-Cola to his guitar while Reno paints.  The hobo exterior tells them to shut the fuck upward.  The portrait is virtually done.  Tony Coca-Cola and Pamela make-out on the floor.  The photographic camera zooms in on the drill in the closet.

Outside, the annoyed hobo is nonetheless drinking.  He walks around the burn down-escape of the flat building, looking around.  His eyes widen in horror as Reno drills one of his hand to the wall.  And so he drills his other hand back, trapping him.  Reno drills him in the gut and he dies.

When Reno comes back in he finds Carol and Pamela asleep together in bed.  The music is going crazy equally he watches them slumber.  He whispers to Carol that the painting is finished.  The Buffalo smiles stupidly.

The next day Reno and Carol present the Buffalo Painting to Dalton.

I made the same confront every fourth dimension I saw it, too.

"No, no, no, no. This isn't right!" says Dalton angrily.  "This is naught!  This is shit! Where's the touch on? It'south just a goddamn Buffalo!"  My thoughts exactly, Dalton.  "Reno, the worst thing that can happen to a painter is happening to you!"

Dalton actually lays into him, telling him the painting is terrible and passionless.  He storms out, yelling "Worthless!" over and again.  Carol slowly stands up and smashes a vase against the wall.  She slams open the door and starts screaming down at Dalton.

"DO SOMETHING!" she screams at Reno.  He's frozen with his oral fissure open.  Carol keeps screaming.  Pamela is hiding out in the bathroom, smoking.  Downstairs, The Roosters are working on a dull jam.

In the forenoon, Reno wakes upwardly and realizes that Carol is gone.   He looks out the balustrade and sees her walking away.  He runs down the street subsequently her and catches up.  She tells him she's leaving.  He tries to go on her from going and grabs her handbag, merely she merely drops it and walks off.  Reno tells her he doesn't demand her anyhow, just regrets it instantly and clings to her suitcase.  Back at the apartment, Pamela is in bed crying.

Reno sits alone in the dark waving a lite saber back and forth.  He goes to phone, and acts like Carol has called him.  The automated vocalisation on the other end tells him to hang upward and try again, but Reno continues his imaginary conversation.

Laying downwardly, Reno continues to have flashes of himself screaming and covered in claret.

That night Reno calls Dalton and tells him he has something to show him.  He promises that it's non another buffalo, information technology'due south something dissimilar.  He says he has to show it to him in his apartment that night.  The camera pans over to a bloody lump of something on the coffee table.  Reno stares blankly off into the darkness.

Downstairs the Roosters are playing again.  Pamela is dancing and flirting with Tony Coca-Cola.  The scene is cutting with shut-ups of Reno putting on lipstick and eyeliner.  He pulls a pair of red panties from the drawer.  He picks upwardly a shaving razor and wipes steam from the mirror.

Dalton lets himself into the night apartment and looks for Reno.  Reno tightens his Porto-Pak.  Dalton continues to search for Reno.  The front end door slams.  There is a smash, and Reno appears, holding the drill.  He turns it off and on.  Dalton tries to talk Reno out of it, but he forces him in a corner and the screen goes red.

Pamela comes upstairs and sees the bloody drill protruding through the front door.  Everything is bathed in red lighting.  She opens the door and finds Dalton attached to the back of information technology.  She backs away quietly, but Reno is waiting for her on the other end of the darkened hallway.  He grabs her and she screams.

Cut to Ballad, who is back with her ex-hubby Stephen in his firm.  They kiss and say they missed each other.  Carol tells him she's going to take a shower.  Stephen says he'll bring some tea to the bedroom.

While Carol noodles effectually the bathroom, Stephen is in the kitchen setting out plates.  The kettle whistles, and he retrieves it from the stove.  Out of nowhere Reno attacks him and drills him in the dorsum.  Carol is in the shower and doesn't hear anything.  She gets out, towels off, and enters the bedroom

"Stephen, yous aren't asleep yet are you?" she asks the person shaped lump completely hidden nether the covers.  She turns off the lamp.  The screen goes completely blood-red.  Nosotros hear her getting in to bed and snuggling up.

"Stephen?" we hear her say as the blankets motility.  "Stephen, come up hither!"


Then what did nosotros larn from Driller Killer?

Top V Lessons:

1.  Buffaloes are stupid looking creatures and make for poor harbingers of madness.

two.  People in New York Urban center are then jaded they don't discover a guy running around properly lit streets assaulting  the indigent with power tools.

3. You don't have to osculation to make babies, only you do have to fuck.  Too, if someone eats half your pizza they might be driller killing.

iv.  Cordless drills have been bachelor since the 1960's, simply they were not available in Spousal relationship Square in 1979.  Luckily, the Porto-Pack is but $19.95

5.  Pamela doesn't accept whatsoever friends.

Lookout man the full film on YouTube! –
