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The â€ëœnever Leave Home Again Vision Test

written by Frank Dutkiewicz

Before I cut my reviewing teeth at Tangent Online, before Daily Science Fiction came to life, I shared my thoughts on the Writers of the Future album here at Diabolical Plots. WotF is a competition similar none other in literature. The dream child of the late – and controversial – scientific discipline fiction author, L Ron Hubbard, WotF is a contest reserved for the amateur writers of speculative fiction. Its judges are staffed with the icons in the industry. Winners of the competition take frequently gone on to greater success. Skeptical? A uncomplicated roll call of Hugo and Nebula nominees of the past decade plus is all the prove you demand. Many authors who now make writing their career , including the terminal two coordinating judges , made their first steps as a successful author winning this contest.

Because the Writers of the Future contest is so unique, I have made my reviews unique. It is the only publication where I assign letter grades for each story. I do and so for three reasons†�

a) Because I'yard a loyal reader.

I bought the kickoff anthology when information technology debuted so very long ago (I was young then, I swear). With the exception of a few in the 90'south, I take read them all. Some of the stories have moved me, some have left me scratching my caput and left me wondering on how they managed to be identify in the contest, but most autumn in that murky middle. A simple , I liked it , doesn't accurately reflect on how I felt near the stories, merely the letter grades practice.

b) Because I'm a contestant.

I first started to submit to the contest when I began to review the anthology four years ago. I've washed well enough to average nearly iii Honorable Mentions a year. With the exception of ane Silver Honorable Mention, I have however to do amend. Just if the estimates that only the top 5 to 10% accomplish the level of HM, then I can reason that I'm not doing all that bad. The stories that have won have bested my all-time. The letter grades reflect my analysis of my contest.

c) Because they've passed the test.

Well-nigh writers who accept submitted a story to a professional publication accept a lofty dream of making it in the industry. Dreams that their names volition someday stand up with the prestigious authors of today motivate many, just at that place is a wall they must get-go scale, a notation of accomplishment that a author tin concord upward to evidence that they accept indeed made it. The WotF contest has proven to exist that mark of excellence that they accept.

Scores of writers take known the contest opens a door that they take been turned away from. For nearly who have won, entry into the anthology is their first professional auction. It is a rare contest. If you've made it in the industry, y'all can't enter it. It's for the writers who take been searching for their big suspension. For a lot of past winners, make the table of contents is the outset of greater things to come , and you lot demand not wait any farther than list of Hugo and Nebula nominees for the past decade to encounter merely how true that is. It'southward the reason why , co-ordinate to Kristine Kathryn Rusch in her excellent essay in this year's album , the contest receives thousands of entries each quarter. Amateur writers have learned winning the contest can hateful everything for their career.

And so, this contest is our Bar exam, the dissertation to earn our doctorate, our finishing line of our marathon, the height of our mountain. It is the final exam to our professional writers caste. With that in mind every examination I ever took came with a class. So how did our graduates from amateur-hood exercise? Take a expect for yourself†�.

"Of Woven Wood" past Marie Croke outset identify, first quarter

Lan's creator, Haigh, is dead. Murdered by unknown assailants. Worse, Lan'southward wicker head now has a hole in it, and he has a headache to boot , an odd feeling for a animate being constructed out of branches. At present his head cannot hold items, a dilemma that stresses him much. Haigh's neighbour, Jaddi, comes to become Lan and takes him into her dwelling house. Haigh'southward talents every bit the local apothecary volition exist missed. Lan's function as Haigh'southward assistant and storage curator leaves a hole in his purpose equally gaping as the ane in his head. The emptiness within him forces Lan to reflect who he is, a question that is compounded when Haigh'due south murderers return to find what they were looking for, the item that led to Haigh's death.

"Of Woven Forest" opens equally a mystery. Lan awakes confused. He doesn't understand the pain he is in or how he received the pigsty in his head. Vague recollections of his main stuffing him with important items, while their home is beingness invaded, wink in his mind. He is more concerned nearly Haigh's reaction to the missing items in his head cavity, and of the broken things on the flooring, than he is about Haigh'southward unresponsive state. Lan is a walking wicker basket. His insides are a concealed storage container. As Haigh'southward banana, he picks up the pieces of his life and assumes his sometime masters function as the apothecary of the town.

"Of Woven Forest" transforms as a story almost from the showtime. Lan'southward graphic symbol is convincingly shown as a magical retainer. He is robotic in design with the indifference in attitude fitting the fantasy equivalent of a heartless machine. I found it surprising when the writer accomplished this so successfully withal spent the rest of the story showing he was anything merely. The emotionless animal at the start evolves into a Pinocchio similar character. I found the writing sound – the polish prose and intriguing opening had me very curious from the beginning. Yet, the plot lacked a business firm footing for me to remain grounded. The story, and its protagonist, drifted as if they weren't sure what they were or where they should become adjacent. The offset one-half of the slice was a lengthy ready of Lan searching to observe himself. The last half hinged on a twist that came out of nowhere. The outcome was a tale that I found enjoyable to follow but with an catastrophe that was apartment and a conclusion that felt similar a cheat.

Form B-

"The Rings of Mars" by William Ledbetter first place, second quarter

Malcom is chasing his best friend, Jack. He has recommended that his long time bud exist returned to Earth. Now Jack has taken the robot rover, Nellie, and like a hurt child, has run away and left Malcom alone on the cerise planet'south dry surface. Malcom has no reason to be concerned, until an unexpected solar flare warning puts him in danger. Loyal to his friend, but still feeling betrayed, Jack returns to rescue Malcolm. Malcolm uses the opportunity to explain why he made his decision, merely Jack has his reasons for non being a team role player for the visitor. He has establish something, something too valuable to leave in the clutches of a heartless corporation to exploit.

"The Rings of Mars" is a good old-fashioned scientific discipline fiction tale. The story starts off as a buddy tale. Malcolm has valid reasons on why he has recommended Jack's think. An achieved geologist, Jack has spent all his fourth dimension exploring the cerise sands yet has failed to find any mineral deposits for the company to utilise. But Jack has indeed found just what the company needs, water, and tons of it. Behemothic pillars frozen in the sand, but the pillars announced to have a pattern to them, equally if they were a puzzle left long ago for a budding species on a neighboring bluish planet to solve. Malcolm isn't so certain but can meet the benefit the find would be for the company. Jack is disappointed with Malcolm and abandons him again, leaving him for the company to notice as he runs off. But while Malcolm waits, he discovers in that location is far more to this puzzle than fifty-fifty Jack has discovered. He is left with a selection; exist a hero to the company or help Jack unravel the greatest discovery in human history.

"Rings of Mars" reminds me of the short 70's sci-fi adventures I vicious in beloved with equally a youth. The boring pace of the commencement few pages ends upward paying off halfway through. Mr Ledbetter's feel as the editor for the National Space Society'sannual Jim Baen's writing contest is put to proficient use in this tale. A fine mixture of solid scientific discipline and astronomy knowledge supports a well-crafted premise. I was taken in with the dilemma the two men faced and was quite satisfied with the story'due south eventual solution. Well washed. The one affair that did disappoint me was the art attached to the story. I idea the tale deserved a depiction every bit imaginative as the storyline.

Course A-

"The Paradise Aperture" by David Carani get-go place, fourth quarter, Gilded Award winner

Jon has lost his married woman. He is a photographer who stumbled upon one of the greatest discoveries in history, the ability to develop doorways that atomic number 82 into pocket universes. Two years before, he lost his wife inside one of those universes and now he is obsessed to find her. His ability to capture doorways has made him wealthy. Each universe is a paradise. One tin can step into 1 and not feel pain, hunger, thirst†�the ultimate alternate reality for those who want to disconnect from the existent i , and the perfect environment for those who want a identify to carry less than ethical business organization practices.

"The Paradise Aperture" is a well idea out and original concept. People and corporations are willing to pay him millions for each doorway. Jon needs the money to help him finance his search for his lost wife but is having difficulty turning a blind eye to what they are existence used for. His teenage daughter tags along with him on his trips to photograph new doorways, fifty-fifty when she hates doing so. His mother-in-law begs him to stop, to take that his wife is gone for his girl'south sake. The authorities has threatened to put his work to a cease, concerned with the ethics of creating new worlds. He is running out time to find his wife and is first to lose promise that he will. He has one last idea, an idea that might bring unimaginable catastrophe.

"The Paradise Aperture" is Mr Carani's first published piece of work, a fact that I am having a hard time believing. The characters are drawn well. Jon is conflicted, short in patience and bellyaching with the people who require his work. His teenage daughter, Irene, is successfully written equally a spoiled teenager of a single, but wealthy, parent , bored, disrespectful, and judgmental. The tale is written on a foundation of a fresh and fascinating premise. Who wouldn't dear to step into a doorway leading to paradise? Particularly impressive was the author's ability to arts and crafts subtle hints that have huge implications subsequently in the tale. Although the storyline itself didn't knock my socks off, the exceedingly impressive crafting of the story did. I foresee a brilliant writing career in Dave Carani's future.

Grade A

"Fast Draw" by Roy Hardin published finalist

Jake is about to exist shot by his Thou-1, basic grade human, quick-drawing girlfriend. He has less than two seconds before the bullet reaches him. Plenty of time for a G-30 to down a few drinks, make his moves on the lovely girl seated next to him at the bar, and step out of the way. Now if he only knew the grade of the alluring woman seated adjacent to him†�

"Fast Draw" is set in a time to come where new and improved models of androids are created each twelvemonth, making ‘new' brands obsolete afterwards a few years. Jake had been very of import when he was relevant, merely that was long agone. He is an bibelot, living style by his expected 20 years of life. At seventy, Jake is an antique compared to the Thou-100's of today. He is tiresome, mentally and physically, to the advanced models, only is blazing quick to his bio-original girlfriend, Gloria. His new interest, another android whose grade he doesn't know, is a wild carte du jour. She encourages his advances but there is something that doesn't experience quite right about her. The rapidly evolving events , set to tedious movement , unravel as a speeding bullet crawls toward him.

"Fast Describe" is a story with entertaining characters fix in a handbasket total of casual circumstances. Jake, Bunny, and Gloria are moving at wildly unlike speeds in a ridiculous offset of time dilation, setting upwards the offset of many premise stretching scenarios. In the span of less than ii seconds, we notice two people flirting, receive a history lesson on Advanced Platform androids, get an in depth report of Jakes life upwards to that signal, and lookout a blow-by-accident quick depict in slow move. The cerise to this over-the-top premise is Gloria's happens to vesture a vi-shooter on her hip. Despite the avalanche of convenient subplots, I found this story enjoyable to read.

Course B

"The Siren" by Thousand. O. Muriel 2nd place, third quarter

Janie is awake, one of the lucky few in the collective human censor known as the Honeycomb. The rest of humanity is comatose while invaders from another dimension known equally the Grunge have taken over their bodies. Janie is a manipulative, bi-polar teenager. She has a addiction of rejecting the status quo and rejecting say-so. Her antagonistic trait may serve her well as a member of the resistance in the sub-conscious earth of the Honeycomb, or her arrogance may bring about her downfall.

The Siren is prepare in a ‘Matrix'-like globe. Janie has memories of a news study involving an aboriginal artifact under the ice of Antarctica and little else after. The few who take escaped from the clutches of the Grunge have the power – or affliction – to perceive reality differently than the masses. After wandering lone amid the labyrinth of sleeping consciousness, Jamie stumbles upon the COP Phoenix, a base of operations occupied with Tibetan monks and mentally ill. She learns the Grunge hunt the few who take the power to resist them, similar the Tibetan master, Lobsang. Death is too possible in this hidden country as one of a multi-personality alterego's learned when they fell into the abyss. Survival and gathering others similar themselves have been the goal of COP Phoenix simply neither volition win humanity'southward liberty dorsum. Janie preferred a more than proactive approach in the real world, and won't hesitate to exercise the same in this 1.

"The Siren" is an imaginative world, ane that stretched my range of comprehension. The story is a hard one to soak in, but somehow my saturated brain managed to absorb information technology all. There was much to be confused virtually – flashbacks, mind-angle manipulation, mirrored personality images , information technology took me awhile to put Ms Muriel'due south premise into its proper perspective. The large story does take a clear direction and outcome, but like the surreal earth of the Honeycomb, information technology is one that the reader could find themselves hopelessly lost in and give up. The tale does have a satisfactory solution to Janie'due south problem just does open up the tale to an even larger story. The conflict Ms Muriel introduced us to was just an opening salvo.

Course B

"Contact Authority" by William Mitchel first identify, 3rd quarter

Jared Spegel'southward job is to protect the man race from anything. So when his encompass is blown in the Kaluza station weeks earlier humanity is prepare to make beginning contact with the Caronoi – an alien race on the verge of infinite travel , he must take a risky pace by revealing the nature of his visit to the station commander. Someone has been leaking information to the Caronoi on the station, a clear violation of Alliance protocol. Earth is the newest member of the galaxy-spanning Alliance. Species accounted worthy are invited into the Alliance. Those who aren't, are eliminated equally threats. Humanity barely averted anything sixty years before, and Jared isn't the only who thinks that extermination may nonetheless exist in mankind's near future.

"Contact Authorisation" is a tale of species under the eye of a real Large Brother. The species of Human is on a very short ternion. The Alliance is a mysterious organization that takes no chances with emerging intelligences. Rory Temple's grandfather was the homo who first initiated contact with the Alliance. Now Rory is on paw for kickoff contact with the Caronoi. He has decoded their sing-song way of communicating. Suspicion first falls on him as the leak. Non much is known of the Alliances criteria on what makes a violation in their protocols but leaking data to an emerging race is clearly a no-no to them. Angering the Alliance is the last thing Earth wants to exercise. Man's fate rests on Jared's shoulders on finding the source of the leak. Only equally he digs, the weight of two races fate bears downward on him. Can he observe the perpetrator in time?

"Contact Say-so" is story with a premise I would describe as flimsy. An overbearing, overseeing, collective race of advanced aliens is easy to imagine, just their criteria of what they determine is dangerous I constitute hard to believe. Withal, with that premise in heed, the deportment Jared and his comrades took was beyond irresponsible. I can't imagine that anything less than a total courtroom-martial would be waiting for him when he got dorsum to Earth. I will say though, the catastrophe line was fabulous.

Grade B ,

"The Command for Dearest" by Nick T. Chan second identify, second quarter

Ligish is in love with his master's daughter, Anna. A state of war golem like himself has no apply for such a control just he can't determine which symbol is love in his skull. The homunculus in his head is becoming senile, just like Anna's father, Master Gray, is at present. The emotion makes life more difficult for the titanium car when General Maul arrives to take Anna'southward hand in marriage, and all Main'south Gray'due south property , including Ligish , as his endowment. Ligish is the true prize for the ability hungry General, simply Ligish can't bear to think of Anna becoming the concubine for this human. He will do anything for Anna, fifty-fifty circumvolve the earth to God'south mouth if he needs to.

"The Control for Love" is a steampunk story ready in an extraordinary fantasy world. Golems, the homunculi controlling them, and women, are all under the servitude of men. The world is in the shape of a man with the sunday and moon resting in each hand. The arms are raised and lowered to mark the passage of each day. Ligish is the last type of golem that was built long ago. He is far more advanced than whatever war machine in Full general Maul's arsenal. Once Maul'south wedlock to Anna is consummate, Maul plans on installing his ain homunculus into Ligish, but Ligish has no intentions of committing violence. He must find a way to nullify the contract the senile Principal Gray has signed simply that may require nothing short of divine intervention to overturn it.

"The Command for Beloved" has an awful lot of content in a few pages. Homuncoli, ghost rifles, a golem shaped world, and so much more, are thrown at the reader. Despite the fact I had to play catch upward determining what the hell a ‘homunculus' was, I was immediately taken in with this story. General Maul cares but about furthering his own goals. He fabricated information technology very plain to Ligish that he and Anna would be his holding to utilise and corruption once his marriage to Anna is consummate. The first half was set equally a wonderful battle of wits between a unique protagonist and an fantabulous villain. But alas, that formula proved to exist non in this plot's mix. The story took a turn halfway through when the premise went from extraordinary to head-spinning. I will non divulge any more then not to spoil it for readers but let me merely say it became dissimilar to follow.

This is a story I wished would have stuck to the narrow premise of the get-go half. Where the second half had some intriguing characters and mesmerizing settings, the expansion of the story but seemed too much for me. Information technology read like ‘Lord of the Rings' might have if it were cut downward to x,000 words, an overload of twists and subplots crammed in too tight of a space. Nevertheless, "The Command of Honey" does have a satisfactory conclusion, but the ‘happy ending' it provided came off as a Pyrrhic victory for the chief characters. I volition say there is a good story in in that location, simply finding it is like trying to trace a alone wire through the spaghetti mess you'll find behind your stereo system.

Grade B

"My Name Is Angela" by Harry Lang third identify, offset quarter

Angela's place in a pecking social club is set. She is a class school instructor who isn't expected to teach. She is in a relationship that isn't expected to abound. She is looked down upon, a societal minion, a cog in the car, a thing to keep others occupied. She wants more than, but more isn't meant for androids similar herself.

"My Name Is Angela" is speculative tale of growth. It is a story that would easily fit in a Blade Runner universe. Angela is a man-mimicking motorcar who strives to be more than human. The grandfathers that built her did not design her to be any more than a functioning element in civilisation. But she wants more and merely the Soul Man can become her more. Angela lives with an android companion, Bruno. Their mundane lives take a plow when Angela smashes Bruno with a hot atomic number 26 when her ‘no' for sexual activity wasn't a satisfactory reply for Bruno. Angela is like whatever person who tires of a going through the motions. She wants more and is most to get information technology.

"My Name Is Angela" is a human tale. Angela is like many people who accept settled into a life and is now unsatisfied with information technology. Dissimilar the rest of us, all she has to do is find the Soul Man to tweak her perspective. And change it does. Her unauthorized reprograming is viewed like an epiphany for Angela. Guilt for what she had done to Bruno wracks her. Suddenly, the lesson program she has given her children is lacking in content. She wants to make a difference in her student's education, be a better girlfriend to Bruno, and strive to make a positive marking on social club. Just order already has a identify set up for her, and upsetting the apple cart is not welcomed.

Harry Lang'south tale of a woman who expects more in life is 1 a colleague of mine could depict as a ‘never beginning story'. For a reader who didn't go through the effort of submerging themselves in Angela'south character, the tale would read similar an ordinary person's ordinary life. Many of the characters in the story don't similar Angela's enthusiasm. Bruno seems quite satisfied with the mundane quality of his life. "My Proper name Is Angela" unravels just like whatsoever tale of woman who was besides eager to spring into machismo discovers , there just has to be more than to life for her. Compounding Angela'south bug is the prejudice androids feel. They are designed to take jobs humans look down on, so are naturally looked down upon by their man masters.

"My Name is Angela" is an ordinary character tale about an ordinary character who strives to be more just ordinary. If y'all were ever looking for the blazon of story Chiliad D Wentworth loved to read, I would guess this one would accept served every bit an excellent example. She loved character driven stories and this ane runs on the sheer strength of the protagonist solitary.

Grade B

"Lost Pine" past Jacob A. Boyd third place, third quarter

Gage and Adah have worked out a fine life for themselves at the Lost Pine. The former camp is at present their refuge from a world devoid of adults. It has livestock, supplies, and doesn't exist on a map. Gage'southward carefully constructed darkening is comprised when a sparse boy named Monk crashes through Gage's barrier. Gage doesn't trust him but Adah doesn't want Gage to impairment the stranger. Monk was one time a camper at the Lone Pine and is surprised to find it occupied. He is willing to do his role to help, and says he volition go if non welcomed, just Cuff thinks that in that location is something to his story that doesn't ring true.

"Lone Pine" is set in a world where aliens accept sent spores to cocoon the adults and injured of the world. An armada approaches and is set to arrive whatsoever day. With the adults gone, civilization has degraded into a ‘Lord of the Flies' club. Those cocooned are non quite dead. Why the aliens have chosen to preserve nearly of the people on Earth in such a style is never satisfactorily explained. The story takes a slight turn when the aliens land and begin to take the cocoons away. Gage doesn't know if the conflicting's motives are noble or sinister just is sure those imprisoned volition not survive without their help.

"Lone Pine" centers around Cuff. He is protective of Adah. She came to him when her parents were first cocooned years before. Now the once-small child is blossoming into womanhood and he can't assistance to think of her as his possession. Monk represents competition and a connection to a harsh earth that he has protected Adah from. He is jealous of Monk and of the interest Adah begins to prove in him.

I confess, I did not like the way the author choose to tell this tale. Monk'southward voice is well-nigh absent. What he says is relayed through Gage's interpretation , a backhanded second person perspective just useful for the writer to show the jealousy Gage has in himself. The inflow of the aliens is an effort to add together an extra dimension to the tale. Instead, it makes the characters more transparent than they already were. I believe the aliens were not needed. The story already had all the elements it needed. A pair of kids trying to live while the world outside has crumbled, makes for a skillful story all on its ain.

Grade C+

"Shutdown" by Cory Fifty. Lee 3rd identify, second quarter

Individual Adanna Amaechi is a long style from a ballerina's dance floor. The talents she picked up as a dancer makes her a good candidate for a spotter. The aliens who have conquered Helenski Five had swept away the defenders with ease. Small insect-similar robots that piece through annihilation that moves guard an alien base. The ground forces needs someone who tin can steady their middle, control their breathing, and survive a cardiac arrest, to infiltrate the base. All Adanna will need is the will to come back after she has died.

Shutdown is a tension-filled sci-fi. Humanity knows very little almost the aliens who have invaded and altered the worlds mankind already claimed for their own. The ground forces needs intelligence but the robotic sentries guarding the conflicting base are movement sensitive. An before endeavour to infiltrate the stronghold ended disastrously. Their solution is to impale their ain scouts and revive them when the sentries are satisfied the infiltrators are not a threat. Adanna is a perfect candidate to bear out this mission. She is a former ballerina, her career cut short in an industrial accident. The life-like prosthetic to replace her fingers are across her means but the military machine promises they will pay for the functioning if she completes the mission. Ballet is her life and she would do anything to regain the luster of the stage, fifty-fifty if she has to die for it.

The setting for "Shutdown" is on a conquered planet. Adanna is edging her way into the labyrinth of occupied territory. Her suit is instructed to kill her earlier a timed alien scan can observe her. While she is dead, flashbacks , as if her life is passing before her eyes , becomes the focus of the tale. I confess, the tactic the author employed was a piddling jarring at first but the story became very compelling once I caught up to speed on what was going on. Adanna is drawn as a character who has little left to lose and much to proceeds by accepting the mission. Earth needs intel. The aliens have effectively neutralized man'south technology and converted the atmosphere to a poisonous one. Just getting a look at their foe would be an intelligence coup.

I have mixed feelings about this tale. I loved the action and raised-hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck tension that ran throughout the story but the premise was filled with holes for me. If the aliens were that formidable, how did the army manage to get anyone within a low-cal twelvemonth of the planet? If they could get a send close enough to state, couldn't they go satellite images from higher up? Those were but a couple of the issues I had with it but I still managed to enjoy the story.

Grade B

"While Republic of ireland Holds These Graves" by Tom Doyle tertiary identify, fourth quarter

Dev Martin returns to the scene of the offense. He is one of the programmers who created the AI reconstructs of Irish literary lore. The goal for the UNI was to enhance Republic of ireland's tourist industry merely it instead ignited a nationalist revival. Now Ireland is about to be the lone nation to divorce itself from the ane-world government. Dev wants to help set things direct merely he needs to attain his former partner , and chief adversary for the independence drive , Anna in hopes of convincing her to exit the European isle.

"While Republic of ireland" is a story for you if y'all take a special attachment for classical Irish authors. In fact, I tin see why this story was picked by a panel of professional authors, the attraction of rubbing elbows with some of the greatest poets and authors of the 20th century would be like playing in the outfield in Field of Dreams for a baseball enthusiast. One of the showtime characters Dev runs into is iconic James Joyce. Dev and Anna did such wonderful job reconstructing the personalities of the long dead, that Joyce is every bit like the real thing. Dev recruits Joyce to back-trail him. The duo follow a trail of other famous literary giants in hopes of finding the programmer-turned-revolutionary earlier the borders of Ireland close for practiced.

The opening to "While Ireland" is get-go class. I was pulled into the narrative, but like other early 20th century classics (especially ones written by Irish giants), I institute the story convoluted and heavy with a message I cared picayune almost. Of course, I never had much interest in Irish literature (an try to get through the first ten pages of Finnegan's Wake is a nightmare I sooner forget) then a day drinking in pub with any of these characters is not what I would consider time well spent. A bigger trouble for me was the premise and sequence of events. It seemed the only people Dev walked into were reconstructed Irish author personalities, assuasive him a virtual straight path to find Anna in three days on Ireland when he had no idea where to await from the start. Either all the rest of the real people in Ireland thought it wise to avoid the estimator regenerations or Dev was one lucky seeker.

Although I institute the writing summit notch, the story itself wasn't much more than than a man's stroll through the green hills of Ireland. Dev met his goals, attaining them remarkably hands (especially when no 1 , except Joyce , wanted him at that place). I felt the same way much of the world felt about the Irish nationalist motion and their icons , let them accept it.

Grade C+

"The Poly Islands" by Gerald Warfield second place, first quarter

Liyang is on the run. A Hong Kong tong (organized criminal offense syndicate) is subsequently her and the valuable reckoner chips she has stolen. Desperate to escape, she navigates her boat into the island of plastic garbage floating in the Pacific. The tactic is foolhardy considering she has no promise of escaping the tong if she runs aground. Fortunately, conservancy comes in the class of a mysterious man in a plastic suit. Adam is i of the residents of the Poly Islands, a refuge from the world. With no boat, Liyang has no selection just to trust him. She soon discovers she, and her stolen fries, have go office of a power struggle, one that will decide the fate of the Poly islands for years to come up.

"The Poly Islands" is a rare WotF stories for me. The further I read, the more than I liked it. The islands are ruled by an Indian Guru figure known as Crab. Liyang outset believes she has stumbled upon a new historic period community but the people who live here do not deed like a cult. The residents are divided into ii camps, the Chinese and everyone else. Liyang rubs the Chinese incorrect when she elects to side confronting her ain kind in favor of Adam and Crab. The island being is the result of an ecological activist solution gone wrong. The short lived nation of California attempted to collect, then sink, the trash with buoys designed to attract the floating garbage. Instead the experiment changed the nature of the trash, creating a bonded material that travels on the currents of the Pacific as i big mass. The Chinese faction is led by Madam Woo. She wants to sell the chips and use the money to conquer the solid footing of a Pacific island, only Crab has other designs for them. Liyang wants no part of the power struggle, but wishing to escape the inhospitable islands and starting time her own life afresh.

The story of "The Poly Islands" evolves, irresolute from a knuckle-grabbing action to an elaborate puzzle. Crab does not seem like a Buddhist monk to Liyang. She suspects his altruistic motive'south is aught merely an human action, merely he does know more than about the Poly Islands than anyone else. The mystery of who he is and the nature of the islands, and how they chronicle to her computer chips, is the true attraction of this tale. Although I did like this story, I felt the addition of the concluding scene did it a disservice. The story had a fitting finale without it. Instead, the author chose to write in a ‘where are they at present' type of epilogue that fabricated the story more than of a message piece than a directly up work of scientific discipline fiction. Without it, I would have likely made The Poly Islands my personal pick of the anthology.

Grade A-

"Insect Sculptor" by Scott T. Barnes second identify, fourth quarter

Adam Clements is a talented insect sculptor simply has much to learn. He has traveled thousands of miles in hopes of apprenticing for the Swell Gajah-mada. He must impress the Hive'southward director, the gorgeous Isabella, first. Adam is practiced, simply to exist great he will need to overcome his fearfulness wall; the fear of falling too deeply into the hive listen.

The premise of Insect Sculptor is intriguing and inventive. The sculptor's form a psychic link with a colony of insects, creating works of art with the mass bugs. Adam tin do much with his termites, commanding them to facilitate an elephant every bit his entrance exam for Isabella. He apace learns his abilities are elementary when he gets a sample of what Gajah-mada's troop can practice when he witnesses a show first mitt. The Smashing Gajah-mada is able to mimic people then well they are passable as living humans, to the point where his ain manager proves to be a mass of bugs that has become sentient.

Adam is first turned away only earns a second take chances. Gajah-mada no longer makes public appearances, leaving the show to his star, Wasserman, to hold it together, but Wasserman lacks the control needed to keep Gajah-mada'south complicated designs intact. Gajah-mada needs someone greater for he is not long for this earth. Adam has the talent but has never learned to intermission downwardly his ain fear wall, merely he is determined , for the testify, for himself, for the Bully Gajah-mada, and for the love of his life , Isabella.

It isn't difficult to see why this one won the contest. Unique, full of lively characters, and with a protagonist that develops with the storyline. The only thing that I can complain nearly information technology is information technology gave me the heebie-jeebies *shiver*. Still, a strong contender that was written well.

Grade B+

A Changing of the Baby-sit

The Writers of the Future competition and the speculative fiction customs suffered a bang-up loss with the passing of Kathy Wentworth concluding year. A winner of the competition (when the number following Writers of the Future was in the single digits), she went on to become its coordinating judge and editor. It had become her primary chore, occasionally crowbarring a novel for us to read, when she had fourth dimension to step abroad from her judging duties to write them. All the stories submitted over the past few contests had to laissez passer through her start. The stories y'all read in this anthology, also every bit the ones of the past few years, were role of an exclusive pile she thought were the all-time of a very big bunch. It was her job to pick eight stories each quarter for an impressive finalist panel to read. Granted, the stories of the anthology make up merely 40% of the entries she chose as the finalists, just of the thousands submitted they represented a good cross section of what she felt were professional cloth worthy of publication.

Many writers sought the undercover elixir to winning the contest. Kathy would offer a few tidbits of what a writer needed to do win , the speculative element needed to exist on the offset folio, the story had to exist character driven, and writers should steer clear of well-worn tropes (vampires, dragons, and the like). She would warn writers that humor had little chance but for the most role, it was submit your all-time. Afterwards reading the anthology over all these years I recollect I can finally meet the type of story Kathy gravitated towards , the submissions that worked hardest at telling a story.

I imagined in her youth, a immature Kathy who refused to go to bed without a bedtime story. I can see that dearest conveying her into machismo. If you could tap into that babyhood craving, she likely read your entry from beginning to end. If you gave her a protagonist she could fall in love with and a globe worth exploring, you probably had her hooked. And if you lot didn't deviate too far from your plot, you were probable in the running. Following the rules of writing that our often dictated to the amateur writer didn't matter as much to Kathy every bit unraveling a premise she wanted to view. If you failed to appeal to her fairy-tale loving child hidden within, you lot probably never stood a chance , no thing how adept your get-go readers said your story was.

Taking over the coordinating judging duties is previous Gilded Laurels winner (WotF 3) Dave Wolverton (a.k.a Dave Farland). He has been a consistent finalist approximate and a previous coordinating judge for the competition. His credentials are extensive , it tin be argued that he is the virtually successful author to come out of the contest. Although y'all can still look the winning entries to be the best stories submitted, don't exist surprised if upcoming anthologies have a different flavor to them.

On one of my writer forums that I often frequent, a sort of study grouping was committed to identifying what impressed Yard D Wentworth. Her words and advice were dissected. Semi-finalists would share their critiques. Honorable Mentioned, and others not as lucky, would puzzle on why their entries didn't practice amend. They need not dig and so deep for Mr Wolverton. The new coordinating judge teaches a workshop for writers. He offers free communication on his Daily Kick In The Pants blog, and has dedicated a few manufactures on tips for the contest, and here is my own Cliff Notes version of what he has to say on the discipline.

The trope restriction will not exist as circumscribed, and so for the humorist and dragon writers , submit away. But if you tend to sideslip into the clich�' �, wait an early out from Mr Wolverton. Marie Croke's, "Of Woven Wood" (a story that opens up with a waking up clich�' �) may take been a tough call to make the finalists list. If you similar to write long prose, you may be in luck. If there are every bit well-written stories, and Dave'due south short list needs trimming, the longer piece will likely get the nod. Simply the biggest divergence between Kathy and Dave is Dave expects that his finalist writers already know how to write, professionally.

Now I'm not saying the winners that came through Kathy first weren't of a professional person quality, nor am I saying those winners wouldn't have been picked as a finalist for Dave, but I volition say motivations between the two are dissimilar. I can sum up the differences betwixt them in two sentences.

Kathy Wentworth expected writers to be able to tell a story.

Dave Wolverton expects writers to exist able to write.

And then, I am expecting less of a fairy tale quality in the anthologies to come and a sharper prose for the winning stories. I am likewise betting that the new winners will have a little more than action in them but with a petty less middle in its characters. Of form, I could be completely wrong. Writers of the Future Vol 29 is on the style and I can't wait to see what it holds.

K.D. Wentworth
K.D. Wentworth

Kathy D Wentworth (1951-2012) was a fixture in the Scientific discipline Fiction and Fantasy community. Four fourth dimension Nebula nominee, WotF coordinating gauge, and all around alright gal, She Who Must Be Impressed (my pet name for her , I already trademarked information technology and so don't even think of information technology) volition be sorely missed. Her story, Daddy'due south Girl, debuted in Writers of the Futurity Vol 5, and marked the beginning of an impressive career equally a writer. She was the willing participant for one of Diabolical Plots get-go interviews (which can be found hither) , something we are very grateful for.

I owe her a degree of cheers, for the Honorable Mention certificates I take tucked safely away, and for her appreciation for my quirky sense of humour. Although my bribery attempts were never successful, she fabricated me feel as if she looked forrad to receiving them every quarter.
